The experience showed me (MADAvADiDi Founder DarkGandalf) that the enterprise-decision making on the top-level is not good if members can block the decision of the boss. It is better to have the last word from the boss, because then he can also take full responsibility for it. Otherwise who takes the responsibility when a lot people find a common decision and afterwards do perhaps not even remember from whom what input was?
So I make the decision making easy in the MADAvADiDi enterprise and take full responsibility for my decisions and decide them therefore.
I know that input in the MADAvADiDi-DECiSiON-MAKiNG-WORKFLOW is sometimes really healthy and good and 8 eyes see more than 2 So here is the NEW (from 24.1.2025 onwards) MADAvADiDi solution for input-generation before the decisions are finally made: Namely I will ALWAYS ASK THE FOUR KEY-MEMBERS about their opinions. If I include them or not is then in my responsibility again - and if I do I take the responsibility for this input too (with noting it out from whom it came in the decision-making-protocol that is there for looking up from whom what came
INFO: Each successor who becomes the boss MUST CHOSE 3 possible successors for him; one he chooses to be his successor in the first case. Then if this first one can not become the boss for some reason he has to have chosen also a second possible successor and last but not least also a third possible successor for him. You never know what can happen but with this three chosen ones from the start it should be enough security for the enterprise to really have an successor finally for real. This is the MADAvADiDi-BOSS-SUCCESSOR-WORKFLOW
In my case my chosen successor is firstly DarkYonata, Jonas Müllegger If it is not possible that Jonas to become the boss then the boss shall be DarkTeowah, Georg Peinhaupt. If it is not possible for Jonas AND not possible for Georg to be my successor, then Dark Yahya, Johannes Rumpf shall be it then
RULE Nr. 1: The Enterprise has a Boss who makes the decisions and takes the responsibility and choses his successor !!!!
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